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Reboot Your Joy by Changing Your Perspective


This is the second in a series on Rebooting Your Joy.  Last time, we talked about how gratitude reboots your joy.  Today, we’re going to find that elevating our perspective also reboots our joy.

So, what does rebooting your joy have to do with leadership?

I wrote a book called “Parenting through the Mirror.” It’s not so much about kids as it is about allowing God to change you.  Your kids become who you are, not what you tell them to be.

Just as parents reproduce kids who are mirrors of who they are, leaders produce followers who look like them.

If you want better followers, become a better you.  Remember Paul said, follow me as I follow Jesus,”?

So why is joy so important to a leader or anyone for that matter?  

Nehemiah 8:10 says, “the joy of the Lord is our strength.”  We all need strength to fight the fight of faith.

Joy is simply a product of our thinking – It is a choice.

I love this quote

“We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are.” 

Do you ever wonder if you’re seeing life through a clouded lens?

So how do we make sure that what we’re seeing is what God is seeing?

Here’s the cure for cloudy vision.

 Change your perspective.  

Exchange your perspective for His perspective.

If you’re like me, to do this you have to change your thinking.

Last time, we focused on 2 of our 3 key Scriptures Romans 12:2 and Philippians 4:8.

Today, we’re going to zero in on Ephesians 2, because when you get this one, it’s easier to get the others.  The chapter opens

up like a Dicken’s novel  . . . ONCE YOU WERE DEAD

Picking it up in verse 4.

BUT God is so rich in mercy, and He loved us so much,

that even though we were dead because of our sins, He gave us life when He raised Christ from the dead. (It is only by God’s grace that you have been saved!)

For He raised us from the dead along with Christ and seated us with Him in the heavenly realms because we are united with Christ Jesus.” Ephesians 2:4-6 NLT

Notice:  Past tense – done deal – already happened . . .

One of the easiest ways to lose our joy is to forget our true spiritual position. This happens when we are sucked into our circumstances.

Circumstances are the devil’s playground.  If he can get our eyes on our circumstances instead of our answer, he’s got us.  Then . . .

This causes us to lose perspective.

When we try to fight in our circumstances, we are fighting in our own strength and in the devil’s territory.  No matter where we turn, we are trapped in our circumstance. It’s all we can see!  Circumstances everywhere, oh my!

Plus we are right in the line of fire for his firey darts. You know him, the liar.  If he can manipulate our emotions he can defeat us.

However, when we take our designated seat, our rightful seat because of what Christ did for us, then we can see things through the eyes of the Father for what they really are and not what they feel like.

Here’s the amazing thing about God . . . It’s OUR choice . .   

Rightful seat – child of God seat or . . . 

Circumstance seat – slave seat

I never do anything right seat vs righteousness of God in Christ seat

Why is this happening to me seat vs I am more than a conquerer seat

This is too hard seat vs I can do all things through Christ seat

I suggest you pick your rightful seat – it is already bought and paid for.

It is an elevated perspective. God’s perspective.

Instead of being locked into our circumstances, we can see beyond them because we have God’s elevated view.

2 Corinthians 5:7 tells us

“For we walk by faith, not by sight.”

Circumstances are sight – they are in this realm and want to make us their slave.

Seeing from God’s perspective is faith beyond circumstances – we’re in God’s realm.  By faith it sees the options, God’s big picture, and our answer.

When we are seated spiritually speaking in the heavenlies, it has lots of perks!

5 Benefits of Taking Your Rightful Seat

and I’m sure you can think of many more.

1. The enemy’s firey darts can’t pierce us, because our emotions are safely out of his reach. 

2. We see things the way they really are from God’s perspective – and His view is perfect – his lens is not clouded.

3. We see beyond the circumstances to our answer.

4. Our thinking becomes renewed – Romans 12:2 & Philippians 4:8

5. Our joy is rebooted, because our focus is on the eternal and not locked into our circumstances.

So if you want to change your life to one that is filled with joy, just choose to change your perspective.

What are some things you do to keep life in perspective?