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Brilliantly Put . . .

Sometimes you run across a statement that just says it all.  This is one of them;  I love this quote. You can cancel your counseling appointment – here is your answer simply and aptly put – pick your problem.  I think we lose some of life’s biggest truths under a mountain of rhetoric.  This one peels back the veneer. Thank you Mr. Covey

th-1“Every human has four endowments — self-awareness, conscience, independent will and creative imagination. These give us the ultimate human freedom… The power to choose, to respond, to change.”
— Stephen R. Covey
Posted in Encouragement, Leadership, Reflection, Success

JOY the Heart Check

This week, I’ve been thinking a lot about the source of true joy.  Jesus said, if you want to be great, you need to be the servant of all.  Apparently, inherent in achieving joy, is dying to self. I remember a wise person once told me that you never know if you have a servant’s heart until someone treats you like a servant.  Has anyone ever treated you like a servant?  I choose to think of it as a heart check, and if I find any resentment lurking, I find a way to go the second mile. It never fails to turn resentment into peace and pride into joy.  True joy comes not from what we get, but from what we give.  What are some other ways that you jump start your joy?heart